IBS and IBFIM co-organised Certified Qualification in Islamic Finance - Wealth Management (CQIF-WM) Workshop


IBS ONLINE: The Islamic Wealth Management & Professional Certification Training Unit of the School of Islamic Business (IBS) and the Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM) has organised a Certified Qualification in Islamic Finance - Wealth Management (CQIF-WM) Workshop on 22 and 23 January 2021 via WEBEX platform. Mrs. Apnizan Abdullah, a certified speaker from IBFIM, conducted the two (2) day program.

A total of 44 participants consisting of 24 IBS lecturers from the School of Economics, Finance and Banking (SEFB) and the industry attended the workshop. This workshop is the second professional certification program after the successfully implemented Islamic Financial Planner Professional Certificate (IFP) program which started in 2014. In addition, this workshop is open to all IFP professional certificate holders only. This program can add value to participants to a comprehensive knowledge of the Islamic finance industry, especially in the aspects of ethics, law and governance.




Bengkel Certified Qualification In Islamic Finance - Wealth Management (CQIF-WM) Anjuran IBS bersama IBFIM

IBS ONLINE: Islamic Wealth Management & Professional Certification Training Unit, Pusat Pengajian Perniagaan Islam (IBS) bersama Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM) telah menganjurkan Bengkel Certified Qualification In Islamic Finance - Wealth Management (CQIF-WM) pada 22-23 Januari 2021 secara atas talian melalui platform WEBEX.

Program selama dua (2) hari ini dikendalikan oleh Puan Apnizan Abdullah yang merupakan penceramah bertauliah dari IBFIM.
Bengkel ini telah dihadiri seramai 44 orang peserta terdiri daripada 24 pensyarah IBS dan Pusat Pengajian Ekonomi, Kewangan dan Perbankan (SEFB) serta peserta dari industri.

Bengkel ini merupakan program persijilan profesional yang kedua yang berjaya dilaksanakan setelah program Sijil Profesional Perancang Kewangan Islam (IFP) yang telah dimulakan sejak tahun 2014.

Selain itu, bengkel ini terbuka kepada semua pemegang sijil profesional IFP sahaja. Program ini boleh memberi nilai tambah kepada para peserta terhadap pengetahuan menyeluruh tentang industri kewangan Islam, khususnya dalam aspek etika, perundangan dan urus tadbir.
